Hello. Long time no blog. If you got here via the link on my Election Address for the Diocese of Leeds, then welcome! If you have (somehow) ended up here from somewhere else, welcome also!
Much of what is below this post is ancient history now, but it should give you a pretty good idea of what I did for some of my 10 years on Synod between 2005 and 2015. It's also fairly revealing about the sort of person that I am. If what is here appeals, then please do vote for me if you can. If you find yourself disagreeing violently, then before you write me off as an election prospect do please get in touch - there are contact details at the bottom of my election address. I have always maintained that to be a Liberal is to respect other people's opinions and beliefs, and more importantly to accept that my own opinions and beliefs might be wrong. So - if you think that I am wrong about something, do please pick up the phone and tell me why.
Happy reading.